Modern Steam



One man operation for steam locomotives

Remote-controlled steam engines for ships

Light-oil firing with clean and spark free combustion

High thermal efficiency of engine and boiler

Modular concept

Modern manufacturing allows for exchangeable parts

Latest bearing technology reduces maintenance and protects the environment

Electric preheating device enables unattended heating up of steam boilers


Learn more about Modern Steam by clicking the buttons below

news and information

Erfolgreiche Inbetriebnahme der Lok 99 787 mit Leichtölfeuerung

12 February 2024

Lok 99 787 bei der Einfahrt in Jonsdorf, Foto Roger Waller Lok 99 787 mit Grenzlast in der Steigung von 35 Promill vor Jonsdorf. Der Video wurde veröffentlicht auf YouTube @webmaal412 Erste Probefahrten auf den Strecken Zittau-Oybin und-Jonsdorf. Die Inbetriebnahme…


SOEG 99 787 with light oil firing under steam

17 November 2023

Steam locomotive 99 787 was fired up for the first time on 13 November 2023. The DLM's new light oil firing system works straight away. The picture shows the locomotive on 14 November 2023 during indicating at the Meiningen steam locomotive works. After completion of the painting, 99 787 will be transported to Zittau ...


99 787 Of SOEG nears completion

21 September 2023

SOEG's 99 787 steam locomotive is currently undergoing major overhaul at the Meiningen steam works. DLM supplied the light oil firing system, the new exhaust system and the connections for an electric preheater. The picture shows the production status as of September 21, 2023. Commissioning is expected to begin in mid-October.


German 2-10-2 tank Locomotive 99 787 to be converted to light Oil-Firing

21 July 2022

The Sächsisch-Oberlausitzer-Eisenbahn Gesellschaft commissioned the DLM to convert its 99 787 steam locomotive from coal to light oil firing. This pilot locomotive for Saxony is being financed with funds for coal structural change. The main reason for this is a possible reduction in CO2 emissions and thus a better eco-balance for the future of the railroad. Furthermore, the light oil firing helps with the increasing dryness in summer.


INFO 2, April 28, 2022

28 April 2022

DLM News and Information. Please click "More" and then choose PDF - ENGLISH


CO2-neutral ship operation

24 February 2022

Today, river and inland waterway shipping uses almost exclusively screw ships with diesel engines. The current discussions on climate change are putting increasing pressure on shipping companies to look for alternative propulsion systems. Replacing the diesel engines, which are produced in large series at low cost, is expensive and complicated. There is no patent solution that solves the CO2 problem with a simple engine change.

Triebachse mit dem neuen Triebzapfen. Foto Thomas Haller

Neues Triebwerk für die Dampflokomotive 91 134

16 February 2022

Bei einer Sonderfahrt der 91 134 brach der linke Kurbelzapfen. In der Folge wurde das linke Triebwerk stark beschädigt. Mangels Zeichnungen musste die DLM alle linksseitigen Triebwerksteile anhand der intakten rechtsseitigen Teile (re-)konstruieren und herstellen. Triebachse mit dem neuen Triebzapfen.…


Steam trip with locomotive parade

20 September 2021

On the occasion of our steam trip on 4 September 2021, we organised a small locomotive parade for our passengers in front of the depot in Schaffhausen, which has recently been beautifully restored by the SBB. The light oil fired 52 8055 is framed by two fireless storage locomotives of type FLC 03. The storage locomotives are charged with external steam, generated for example with waste heat, and operate emission-free and quietly.


DLM News No 1, June 2021

6 July 2021

DLM News and Information. Please click "More" and then choose PDF - ENGLISH
