New Steam Engine for Screw Steamer SS Spiez delivered
On September 16, 2019, the new steam engine was shipped to the BLS shipyard in Thun, where it arrived safely the same day. Shortly before, on September 12, it was again operated with steam for customers, see video clip:

The new 2-cylinder steam engine has a piston diameter of 200 mm and a stroke of 300 mm. The nominal power amounts to 100 kW at 240 revs/min. To check the quality of balancing speeds of up to 310 revs/min. have been tested, as can be seen towards the end of the videoclip. The steam engine has been designed for a higher power output of 300 kW which can easily be achieved with a bigger piston diameter. The engine can not only be used for ship propulsion but is equally suited for aircraft tugs or bogie locomotives. In combination with the extremely environmentally friendly fireless technology entirely is is possible to build emissionfree, very silent vehicles for suburban and industrial services, as well as tunnel work and rescue trains (no fire danger, no requirement of oxygen).