Demonstration of Fireless Locomotives creates big Interest
DLM's newly purchased and partly modernised fireless locomotives were presented to interested possible customers as well as to the press on October 26 and 27. It was convincingly demonstrated how easy and fast the charging of fireless locomotives is. A stationary boiler of the Falken brewery was used.

For ease of reversing, a push-pull train with both fireless locomotives was formed. Please note the solar panels on the roofs of the leading fireless locomotive. Picture: Georg Trüb
Various papers were given on the future potential of the hot water storage technology by:
Willy Frank, Swiss Excellence Stiftung
Energiespeicher, wie und wozu
Dr. Michael Spirig, Bundesamt für Energie / Fomenta AG
Abwärme/Heisswasser aus Prozessen: Potential und Umsetzung
Roger Waller, DLM AG
Speichertechnik, Anwendungen und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten
Dr. Frank Tillenkamp, ZHAW Winterthur
Klein-Kraftwerke zur Nutzung von Prozess-Abwärme und Solarenergie